Poëziesalon : De stad (v.)

De stad hyster x logo

Sunday 22 September
14.00u - 16.00u

Price: Gratuit / Gratis / Free Language: Dutch Location: Muntpunt

Attention ! Cette rencontre se déroule au Muntpunt / Let op! Deze poëziesalon vindt plaats in het Muntpunt / Attention! This poetry salon takes place at Muntpunt

Pl. de la Monnaie 6,1000 Bruxelles / Muntplein 6, 1000 Brussel

Op inschrijving


Mel(anie) Asselmans, Emerald Liu en Anke Verschueren - Curatie : Hyster-X


They have been silent for a long time, but on Sunday morning, September 22, Brussels, Ghent, and Antwerp will grab the microphone. The three women will each take the stage to showcase their streets, mimic their inhabitants, undress their monuments, and sing about their dangers. For once, they air their own dirty laundry. They hold the umbrella high to guide their audience with all their senses. Through hidden alleys, over forgotten bridges, past battered homes. For the literary salon De stad (v), Melanie Asselmans, Emerald Liu, and Anke Verschueren (all three members of Hyster-X) will embody the cities where they live, work, dance, wander, sleep, and write. In three sensuous monologues, they give Brussels, Ghent, and Antwerp a female voice. Afterwards, they will have coffee together and discuss how, as young women and young artists, they relate to their own and each other's hometowns.

Hyster-x is a writers' collective for womxn and non-binary people who live or work in Belgium. We publish texts in Dutch, English, and French. We aim to amplify and celebrate female voices.

Please sign in for this poetry salon !

Sign in here for the poetry salon

Our speakers

Melanie Asselmans c Isaac Ponseele

Mel(anie) Asselmans

Mel(anie) Asselmans (b. 1994) is a Brussels-based poet and spoken word artist, and a member of the Hyster-x collective. Her work delves into human relationships, addressing themes like gender identity, consent, and compassion.
Emerald Liu c Marianne Hommerson

Emerald Liu

Emerald Liu is a Sino-Belgian writer and poetry editor at Kluger Hans. Her work features in various magazines and anthologies, and she performs at cultural festivals to encourage dialogue between different cultures.
Anke Verschueren

Anke Verschueren

Anke Verschueren is een dichteres en performer die haar liefde voor taal overal meeneemt, van papier tot podium en podcast. Haar eerste soloperformance, "I’m not gonna write you a love song", ging in juni 2022 in première. Ze publiceert in tijdschriften en is lid van De Klimaatdichters en Hyster-X.