Panorama de la poésie belge et au-delà…


Friday 20 September
09.30u - 11.00u

Price: Gratuit / Gratis / Free Language: French Location: Grande Halle

À destination des libraires / Bestemd voor boekhandelaars / For booksellers


Anne-Lise Remacle


Do you want to develop a poetic section in your bookstore? Allow your readers to get acquainted with unique voices (including Belgian ones), both through language and contemporary resonances? Come discover with Anne-Lise Remacle (literary journalist and event organizer) a few publishing houses and reasons to say yes to poetry.

Our speakers

Anne lise remacle C DR

Anne-Lise Remacle

Anne-Lise Remacle lives in Brussels and works as a journalist for publications like Focus Vif, Le Carnet & Les Instants, and Karoo. Formerly a children’s bookseller, she now moderates literary events and coordinates the Seneffe translation and writing residency for Passa Porta, promoting Francophone Belgian literature.