School workshop: Tourner autour du mot

Visuel site tourner autour du mot 2

Friday 20 September
10.00u - 12.00u

Price: Gratuit / Gratis / Free Language: French Location: Podium

Atelier scolaire (sur réservation)


Manon André Caminita & Mondher Aounallah


The workshop Tourner autour du mot (Turning Around the Word) navigates between the body and the text to offer a poetic experience accessible to everyone. For two hours, body and words meet through playful exercises, combining physical warm-ups, performative games, and an introduction to poetic writing, all in a relaxed and supportive atmosphere. Staring intensely at each other, following a guided meditation, whispering poems into each other's ears, or writing about your favorite movement... but shh! We won’t say more! The workshop is open to anyone aged 12 and up, with no physical or writing prerequisites.

Our speakers

Manon Andre Caminita

Manon André Caminita

Manon is versatile and indecisive, currently focusing on guiding a dance company, mediating between the audience and performances, and training to become a French teacher, while spending her free time writing stories, drawing, and dreaming of textile design.
Mondher Aounallah

Mondher Aounallah

Mondher Aounallah grew up near mountains and water, working in design, scenography, and digital creation. He now merges coding with poetry and video while enjoying walks, reading, and observing the world. He views languages as tools for shaping worlds.