Atelier : sans alphabet / zonder alfabet

Atelier sans alpha

Sunday 22 September
14.00u - 17.00u

Price: Gratuit / Gratis / Free Language: Français / Nederlands / Engels Location: Grande Halle

FR: Atelier ouvert à tous les publics, personnes verbales ou non, sans inscription. Les enfants de moins de 12 ans ou les personnes non autonomes doivent être accompagnés tout au long de l'atelier.

NL: Workshop open voor alle doelgroepen, verbale en niet-verbale personen, zonder inschrijving.
Kinderen jonger dan 12 jaar of personen die niet zelfstandig zijn, moeten tijdens de gehele workshop worden begeleid.

EN: Workshop open to all audiences, verbal or non-verbal, without registration. Children under 12 or individuals who are not autonomous must be accompanied throughout the workshop.


Luna Lambert & Sylvie Marie


Sans alphabet is a workshop where we explore methods of expression using a variety of images. Emojis, emoticons, photographs, or pictograms serve as the sole 'alphabet'; come and create your own language. Discover a different way of reading, writing, and expressing yourself, perhaps even composing visual poetry.

Our speakers

Portrait LUNA LAMBERT c Madame Tomate Jade Lowys

Luna Lambert

Luna Lambert collects images, sounds, stories, and obsolete objects from everyday life. By placing what is familiar to everyone at the center of her practice, she invites others to feel involved. The act of collecting is seen as a repetition of gestures, like a game, leading to the creation of a kind of focused and non-exhaustive archaeology. Luna's work materializes in installations and setups, composed of combinations of collected elements and multimedia or editorial objects, often activated by or co-created with the public. Luna is also affiliated with the publishing house Acédie 58, which is present this year at the Poetik Bazar.
Portrait Sylvie Marie c Paul Vergauwe

Sylvie Marie

Sylvie Marie (°1984) is a writer, writing teacher, and editor-in-chief of the literary magazine Deus Ex Machina. She has published six poetry collections, two novels, a wine glass, and a doormat. Under the hashtag #gramgedichten, she has been cutting and pasting poems together for about five years. A collection titled 'trek je vleugels aan' will soon be released. Occasionally, she writes a column on Facebook which she calls #anekdotum. On stage, she enjoys engaging with the audience. More information can be found at